October has come to an end with a big bang of excitement! What an awesome day we had today at our Halloween festivities. I would like to thank all of the parents who made this day such a successful and fun one! Between the parade and the party, I am sure that the students feel like it was a special day for all! Down below are a few snapshots to show you what the day looked like!
In this past month, we have been busy at work:
Our reading/ word work groups are in full swing and are successfully meeting the students needs and stretching their abilities in a safe and skill appropriate way. At home, you all have been consistently reading the assignments so that the students are prepared for their next reading session. For the month of November, we are moving away from signing the Peek at the Week as our reading log to an actual separate sheet that will say November Reading Log on top of it. This log will be in your child’s reading folder and should always be put back in the bag for safe keeping. From now on, each month the reading logs will have a different format that needs to be followed. For the month of November, your childis to write down who he/she read to that night. But don’t forget....You will still have to initial the Peek at the Week so that I know that you have read the events for the day.
In writing, we have been writing multiple small moment stories. We are about to make a decision as to what story we would like to edit and publish. By the end of the next week we will proudly be able to show you which story we liked the best.
Handwriting has been a big emphasis in the last couple of weeks. In kindergarten, the students used a modified form of Handwriting without Tears and now in first grade we are using similar language to show the students how to make their letters. We are finishing up our Upper Case Letters in this next week and then will move towards our lower case letters. The students have been taking their handwriting lessons very seriously and I am beginning to see it transfer into their daily writing.
In math, we have just finished up our unit on subtraction from 1-10. We will be dabbling in a smaller unit on plane shapes and then diving into a unit on numbers from 1-20. We are hoping that your math game folder is providing your family a good time and your child an opportunity to build automaticity in their math facts. The games are meant to have a positive outcome by providing a fun experience that can be had by all.
In science, we are continuing our study of rocks. We displayed our personal rock findings this last week and will continue to do experiments with the rocks throughout the month of November. We also have had the rock tumbler in our room for the last 2 weeks where we all put in our favorite rock. We are hoping to turn the rocks into necklaces before too long!
Please enjoy the pictures below to get a snapshot of what 1stgrade in Room 26 has looked like in the month of October!
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